

Scholarship 2024

Justin Gravely, Steward for Rock Valley, (right) presents Robert Wakins (son of member Travis Watkins) his scholarship certificate. Robert was one of 5 recipients to win the scholarship.



The IBEW Local 499 scholarship program is open to all dependents of members of IBEW Local 499 who shall graduate high school in the 2024-2025 school year. The member has to be in continuous good standing. A member of good standing is current in their payment of dues and has been for the 2 years preceding.


Applications must be on official application forms, which are available from IBEW Local 499 upon request, and must be postmarked by April 4, 2025 to: IBEW Local 499 E-Board, 10174 Hickman Ct. Clive, IA 50325

Applicants are required to submit a complete personal resume of their notable activities to date. This is to include involvement in high school programs, clubs, sports, class ranking, community activities, and goals. Applicants are required to submit an essay of between 250 and 300 words on "What Unions Have Done for the Country." Essay must be double-spaced and typewritten.

Each applicant must submit three letters of recommendation; two from their high school and one from outside the school (not a family member), who are familiar with their abilities and performance records.


Applicants must include all of the following for consideration:
  • Official Application
  • Personal Resume
  • Essay of 250-300 Words
  • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation


The E-Board will examine the records of each scholarship applicant. Consideration will be given to the essay, resume, goals and letters of recommendation. On the basis of these factors, the E-Board will choose the winners of the IBEW Local 499 Scholarship. All winners will be notified and the scholarship winners will be published on the IBEW, Local 499 Facebook page and website.


The scholarship will be awarded upon proof of acceptance into an accredited college, university or trade school as a full time student. The check will be made payable to the recipient. The scholarship is to be used for all legitimate educational expenses such as tuition, books, tools, room, board and other supplies.

Responsibilities of Winners

Winners are expected to attend a college, university or trade school and to take classes appropriate for their chosen curriculum, and to begin study by the first {fall) semester of the following school year.

Continuity of Scholarship

If serious or chronic illness intervenes before a winner has entered higher education, or other considerations justify, the scholarship may be held in abeyance for one academic year subject to the discretion of the E-Board.

Free Act of IBEW Local 499

The creation of the scholarship program is a free act of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 499. IBEW Local 499 retains its right to alter, suspend, cancel, or halt the IBEW Local 499 scholarship at any time and without giving any reason, provided, however, that scholarship winners already in college or trade school under the program have received the scholarship for a total $500.00.


  1. The Executive Board of Local 499, known herein as the E-Board, shall be the sole determining body in establishing, administering and awarding of the IBEW Local 499 scholarship.
  2. Member shall have paid dues with IBEW Local 499 for a period of at least 2 years to be in good standing.
  3. Dependents are defined by the IRS tax codes.
  4. Applications must be postmarked by April 4, 2025.
  5. No application postmarked after April 4, 2025 will be allowed.
  6. Applications must be on an official application form provided by the IBEW Local 499 office.
  7. Scholarships shall be awarded by May 16, 2025.
  8. Essays must be typed and double spaced.
  9. Three (3) letters of recommendation are required.
  10. Winners shall show proof of acceptance in an accredited College, University or Trade School.
  11. Scholarship checks will be made out in the name of the recipient.
  12. Educational expenses are defined as tuition, books, tools, room, board, and other educational supplies.
  13. Winners must be enrolled by the first semester of the following school year as a full time student.
  14. The E-Board shall be notified 2 weeks prior to the start of classes if the recipient does not attend or is unable to attend his or her choice of higher education.
  15. The checks will be presented at the end of August.


Seth Cipale
(Phil Cipale, Des Moines)

Ed Mages
(David Mages, Audubon)

Hally Mull
(Dustin Mull, Knoxville)

Brody Schneider
(Jason Schneider, Charter Oak)

Robert Watkins
(Travis Watkins, Sioux City)


Brad Curren
(Member Dave Curren, Harlan, IA)

Marin Frazee
(Member Scott Frazee, Sioux City, IA)

Kylar Khakta
(Member Lee Macklem, Dakota Dunes, SD)

Marshall Meyer
(Member Craig Meyer, Nashua, IA)

Ashlyn Rich
(Member Mike Rich, South Sioux City, IA)


Grace Campbell
(Member James Campbell, Papillion, NE)

Sean Collins
(Member Pat Collins, Knoxville, IA)

Carsyn Heger
(Member Jason Heger, Sioux City, IA)

Alexis Kirchert
(Member Shawn Kirchert, Council Bluffs, IA)

Ryan Miller
(Member Douglas Vitito, Jackson, NE)


Kylie Albertsen
(Member Matthew Albertsen, Harlan,IA)

Natalie Cloud
(Member Andrew Cloud, Sioux City, IA)

Jackson DeMoss
(Member Thad DeMoss, Albia, IA)

Chloe Hall
(Member Eric Hall, Oskaloosa/Knoxville, IA)

Karoline Kroll
(Member Corey Berg, LeMars, IA)

Megan Theulen
(Member Jack Theulen, Des Moines, IA)


Julia Bell
(Member Joe Bell, Bondurant, IA)

Brady Berkey
(Member Brad Berkey, Colfax, IA)

Dalton Fredericks
(Member Doug Fredericks, Schleswig, IA)

Mercaydes Mull
(Member Dustin Mull, Knoxville, IA)

Nick Wolf
(Member Dennis Wolf, Council Bluffs, IA)

Scholarship Opportunities

February 25, 2025


The IBEW Founders’ Scholarship honors the dedicated wiremen and linemen who founded the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Each year the officers of the IBEW are pleased to offer its working members scholarships on a competitive basis. It is hoped that the awards will not only contribute to the personal development of our members but also steward the electrical industry that our founders envisioned.  An application for the IBEW Founders’ Scholarship (Form 172) is available on the IBEW website.

All IBEW members who have been in continuous good standing for four years preceding May 1 of the scholarship year in which they plan to apply are eligible for the IBEW Founders’ Scholarship. Please note, if a member has been on honorary withdrawal at any time during the aforementioned period, they will not be eligible to participate.

Spouses or children of IBEW members are not eligible for the IBEW Founder’s Scholarship. Union Plus has a scholarship that is available for IBEW members, as well as their spouses and dependent children. Please visit the Union Plus website for more information about other scholarship opportunities.

I encourage all interested eligible members to participate in the IBEW Founders’ Scholarship Program.

With best wishes, I am

In Solidarity, 
Kenneth W. Cooper
International President

February 10, 2025


The South Central Iowa Federation of Labor (SCIFL) Executive Board is excited to announce a change to our annual James Caffrey Scholarship application process.

Why Change?
This year, we’ve decided to move away from the traditional essay format to a Labor Questionnaire and Personal Interviews because we want to engage with young adults in a more interactive way. Through the questionnaire and interviews, we aim to educate participants about the importance of unions and their impact on working families and communities.

The interview process is designed to be more of a conversation-an opportunity for us to connect with you, hear your thoughts, and share insights about the vital role unions play in ensuring fair treatment and strong voices in the workplace. By participating, you’ll not only compete for a scholarship but also gain valuable knowledge and perspectives on the labor movement.

We encourage all union members to share this opportunity with eligible high school seniors in their family. Union Local Representatives are requested to post this announcement on bulletin boards and in union halls.

We look forward to reviewing your submissions and meeting each of you during the interview process. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our office at any time.

Thank you for participating, and good luck to all applicants!

February 10, 2025

2025 Mac Donald “Mac” Smith Scholarship

In honor of MacDonald Smith, The Smith Family and the Iowa Federation of Labor are offering this scholastic scholarship.

MacDonald Smith, better known as Mac, was a second-generation Iowa Labor Union lawyer. He started working in his father’s law firm at the age of ten. Early on Mac learned the challenges and importance of being an advocate for the working person. Throughout his life he worked diligently, both politically and academically, to advocate and represent those working people regardless of their financial status or diversity.

Mac was valedictorian of his high school class, graduated from the University of Notre Dame Magna cum laude, and graduated with distinction from the University of Iowa Colleage of Law. He was a man of integrity known for his forthrightness, calm rational presence, his dry sense of humor and true humility.

He was a lifelong learner who valued education. He taught labor law courses as an adjunct at the University of Iowa Labor Center for over 40 years.

As a political activist, he served in various capacities for many campaigns over the years. He was well known for his ability to statistically get out the vote on election day. For decades, Mac was the point person, methodically calculating which areas of the city working folks were registered. He would successfully, based on those registered voters, direct the election day get out the vote canvassing. Hence, his expertise impacted many elections over the years. In 1996, Mac ran for the United States Congress. In 2004 he was inducted into the Northwest Iowa Labor Council Hall of Fame and in 2014 in the Iowa Federation of Labor Hall of Fame. In 2017, he was presented the Harry Hopkins Award, an award for outstanding leadership in politics.