Kori Moore

Kori Moore


Kori Moore

How many years have you been at the Company?

11 years

What is your intitiaion date with the Union?

October 2013

What is your current classification and how long have you been doing it?

Gas Technician - 2 years

What other classifications have you held and how long were you in it?

Journeyman 3 years, certified welder 4 years, subtition electrician app 2 years

Are you currently on any committees? If so, which ones and how long have you been on it?

Were you on a committee prior? If so, which ones and how long were you on it?

Why did you run to become an Officer or be on the E-Board?

Always have appreciated what the union has provided to me as an employee and for my family, also to learn more about the union to be able to properly represent other employees

What are some of your hobbies?

gym, watching softball, dancing

Tell us something about yourself.

I am the third generation from my family that has been a part of this local